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Putting It Into Perspective.

Earlier this week I was blessed to meet an extraordinary woman . As we sat and talked , I learned she was from New York , and has ambitions of being a person who is remembered for her kindness and good judgement . She told me about her humble upbringing being brought up in Jamaica and coming to America in 1981, Her goal while being in America was to help others with no need of returning the favor . Genuinely doing it from the heart . She came to Greensboro NC in 1991 with that same mindset , to be of help to those in need . 28 years later she’s been a major asset in the nursing field , working her way up to becoming an RN . She told me she still worked as an RN , I was amazed to hear her story and respected her strength . As we were getting up to leave , I had to know . “ So what’s next for you “ , she replied “ I’m going to run for Guilford county district court judge “ . Ladies and Gentlemen please let me introduce you to Caroline T. Pemberton . It’s always a blessing to have someone who can relate to our story , and give us direction when needed . VOTE Caroline T. Pemberton for district court judge #SHARE #SHARE #SHARE

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