Being a judge means more than just being active in the courtroom. A judge should also be active within the community on a continuous basis. Ms. Pemberton has been serving Guilford County citizens continuously not only as an Assistant District Attorney (13 years), and a Registered Nurse for over 28 years, but she also serves on the following committees and is a member of several organizations and will continue to do so whether or not she is elected.
Guilford County Nursing Home Care Community Advisory Committee
Guilford Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee
Multi-Discilinary Team for Abuse/
Neglect of the Family Justice Center (MDT) Committee
Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Committee
System of Care Committee
NAACP- serves on the Heath Committee
National Council of Negro Women
League of Women Voters
Democratic Women of Guilford County
African American Caucus-Greensboro
Greensboro Bar Association
Guilford County Black Lawyers Association
North Carolina Board of Nursing-active member.